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IDC Spotlight:
Fixing the Content Gap to Deliver a
Dynamic Customer Experience


While customer experience is a priority for most companies, many end up falling short of a fully holistic and dynamic CX. Why?


The reality is that while companies have invested heavily in CX solutions, data, and teams–those investments are often siloed and disconnected. In this report, Roger Beharry Lall, Research Director, Marketing and Promotional Applications with IDC, further addresses this problem:

“This division between adtech and martech omni-channels creates silos in terms of data, technology, tactics, teams, and experience, ultimately leading to a fragmented marketing approach that yields suboptimal results. Although the concept of unifying these channels seems intuitive, most organizations lack the necessary tools — and scalable content curation systems —to support this unified approach.”

He stresses…"To overcome these challenges, it is imperative for organizations to embrace content platforms that possess the capabilities to curate and create assets that support dynamic customer experiences at scale."

Download the Report

This report covers: 

  1. How priceless CX resources become siloed, sub-optimized, and underutilized.

  2. How to solve the challenge of creating/curating and delivering dynamic real-time personalized content and experiences at scale.

  3. Why Innervate’s dynamic CX orchestration might be considered when working to close this content gap.