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Introducing RevJet: Talkin’ About a (MarTech) Revolution

October 22, 2015 | By

It’s Mitchell Weisman here, founder and CEO of RevJet. After tens of millions of dollars of research and development, today we are proud to reveal our first-of-its-kind RevJet Creative Side Platform (CSP), a radically different marketing technology platform empowering advertisers to effortlessly unlock the “other $500+ billion” of pent-up value that today remains inaccessible, trapped within the world’s ad creatives. (Read some of our press).

I’ll say more about the CSP in a moment. But first, here’s a question: what if the ad creatives undergirding the world’s $500+ billion annual media spend could somehow drive two or three times more customers, effortlessly, and with zero additional media cost? 

With the RevJet CSP, advertisers can accomplish exactly this effortlessly—effectively doubling or tripling the value produced by the $500+ billion advertising industry. That’s why, if you’re a marketer or an ad agency, RevJet represents your single largest untapped opportunity in all of advertising. 

Recently, Microsoft started using the RevJet CSP as their ad creative platform. They’ve run dozens of experiments spanning several products on multiple campaigns in conjunction with many DSPs and creative agencies, and after just a few weeks, they’re already driving performance gains averaging over 100%. This means that by using the RevJet CSP to serve ever-higher-performing ad creatives, Microsoft’s ad impressions are now driving more than twice as many customers, effortlessly. And they haven’t spent a single additional penny on media.

I’ve been working on this problem—how to harness the untapped potential of digital ad creative—for more than a decade. It started to come together during my tenure as CEO of LifeStreet Media, where my cofounders and I built the technological foundation that would eventually support the RevJet CSP. Having already served over half a trillion live impressions, this battle-tested technology drove LifeStreet Media to a $100+ million exit and a market leadership position among Facebook app developers. This technology was the central reason Nautic Partners, the Providence-based private equity firm, announced a $66 million LifeStreet investment in 2012, and why we announced the technology spinoff that established RevJet as a standalone marketing technology startup in October 2014.

Today’s launch ushers in a super-exciting new chapter in marketing technology and digital advertising that will double (or more!) the value of the world’s advertising. We’re going to unlock truly massive amounts of value for advertisers, and we’re going to have a lot of fun along the way. I invite you to join our journey.

Fasten your seatbelts, because a mighty change is coming.  RevJet is ready for takeoff. 

Mitchell Weisman
Founder & CEO

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