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Enhance the Customer Experience with Comprehensive Mobile Ad Optimization

, | March 18, 2024 | By

featured_image_optimized_mobile_experience.jpegMobile commerce is becoming more and more the method of shopping du jour. For e-commerce brands, that means upgrading their mobile buying journeys and investing in mobile ad optimization are crucial—not only as disconnected strategies but as complementary components of a world-class customer experience.

Today, mobile ad optimization means much more than just creating great ads. 

Great ads are essential, of course—but the environment they exist in matters, too. Here’s what we mean.


Welcome! We’re entering a new era of mobile ad optimization. 

Users spend more and more time on their smartphones. A good ad strategy rests on being where your audience is, so investing in clever mobile advertising is increasingly vital. 

This includes investing in great ad placements to help your brand in front of consumers where they already are. 

Everyone is doing this: Global mobile ad spend is projected to reach nearly $400 billion by the end of 2024. 

But great ads and placement aren’t all you need. 


Ads and site experience are interconnected.

All of the amazing mobile advertising in the world won’t improve your sales if the mobile website and mobile checkout process the ads lead to aren’t stellar. 

If you’re looking to optimize your mobile ads, your path forward is clear: An investment in your mobile website and mobile checkout actually is an investment in the efficacy of your ads, marketing, and customer experience. 


What are your target mobile users really looking for? 

Today’s mobile users are looking for ease, efficiency, and knowing that their data isn’t going somewhere unsafe. Or, in other words, to meet and exceed your customer’s expectations—and support your ads with a great user experience (UX)—consider prioritizing: 

  • Speed: A one-second improvement in mobile site speed can boost conversions by up to 27 percent.
  • Security: Implementing comprehensive security measures, such as SSL certificates and multilayered protection, is crucial to safeguard customer data and build trust.
  • Seamlessness: Ensuring a frictionless mobile experience, from navigation to checkout, is key to retaining customer interest and facilitating smooth transactions.

Implement these practices for stellar mobile ad optimization—and beyond!

Ready to optimize your mobile commerce experience

Consider these practical strategies for enhancing your ads, browsing, checkout, and post-buying processes: 


1. Optimize for mobile audiences.

You’ve got to start by making your mobile experience flawless. 

After all, that’s where the bulk of your audience is. No longer is it OK to have a swift desktop experience and a laggy mobile one! 


  • Enhancing your page speed through measures such as reducing page weight and using Google's PageSpeed Insights as a valuable tool for identifying areas for improvement 
  • Getting rid of any technical issues that could deter mobile users 
  • Implementing responsive design to ensure your website looks great on all devices
  • Managing videos and images so they load quickly on mobile networks
  • Using “click-to-call” features to make CTAs even more accessible


2. Enhance your overall user experience. 

Once your audience members are using your site, they need to be able to do so intuitively. If you’ve already optimized for mobile, you may have quick-loading pages and responsive design, but you can take it a step further. 

Take a hard look at your site navigation to see if you can simplify the options you present to site users. And, if it makes sense, employ upsell and cross-sell techniques to help your buyers find what they need (and increase average order value). 


3. Prioritize site security and customer trust. 

Your customers won’t come to a website that seems like it may steal their information or somehow give their device a virus.

To make your customers feel safe, build a secure, reliable website—and then make your investments in safety clear. This includes featuring SSL certificates, trust badges, and secure payment logos and ensuring a safe checkout process to instill confidence in your visitors. 


4. Feature your five-star testimonials and rave reviews. 

Have a favorite customer success story, ratings blurb, or testimonial? Put it front and center on your site or prominently on a product page. Future customers give past customer reviews a lot of weight in the decision-making process. Showcasing this information makes it clear that you have a reliable, high-quality offering and does wonders for your brand’s reputation. 

You have an opportunity for increased engagement here, too. As a final step in the buyer’s journey, encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences on social media or your site. Happy customers will be glad to do so, and it’ll make them feel more loyal to your brand. 


5. Invest in continuous analysis and testing. 

Optimizing your website will happen over the long term. It’s an ongoing process. To consistently increase the quality of your site, you’ll need to: 

  • Regularly analyze website data.
  • Keep a sharp eye on user behavior.
  • Employ A/B testing to figure out what works best.
  • Use testing results and user data to refine and personalize the user experience.
  • Stay updated with industry trends and new industry tools.
  • Adapt to changing customer needs.

In other words, your job is far from done when you’ve completed an initial round of mobile ad optimization and commerce experience enhancement. 

But that’s OK! As long as you build experimentation, data reviews, testing, and quick ways to pivot into your ad creative strategy and site update processes, you’ll be poised to learn more about your customers and earn steady revenue at the same time. 


Want to stay ahead of the curve in mobile commerce? 

Focus on enhancing your mobile site flow, prioritizing the needs of your users, and using the latest tools and tech to make delivering great customer experiences as seamless as possible. The result? You’ll facilitate more orders—and see the ROI of your mobile ads and marketing efforts increase over time! 

Sound like a lot to take on? Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. We’re here to help. If you’re interested in taking the next step, learn how to use your existing customer data to optimize your mobile UX by downloading our checklist, “Want to Deliver Dynamic CX? Activate Your Customer Data.”

Innervate Activate Your Customer Data Checklist

Infographic: 4 Solutions for Overcoming Your CX Challenges