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What Should You Expect From a High Performance Digital Asset Management Solution?

July 31, 2023 | By

As a marketing leader, you’re likely managing teams that oversee myriad digital properties and apps, manage creative, and balance competing demands from different departments in your company. Creative and resources can get siloed, and so can teams. With all these files and assets spread across teams and locations, their management becomes disorganized at best…and chaotic at worst. Often content and creative assets from one team may not even be visible to other teams, leading to lengthy searches or even near duplication of existing creative.

Most digital asset management (DAM) solutions don’t solve this problem. Instead, they add to the libraries of content you must sift through and don’t do much to support truly cross-department collaboration and holistic customer experiences. 

Competitive marketing organizations need an intelligent DAM that effectively pools and organizes the myriad digital assets across all teams, breaking down departmental or regional silos of creative resources. A DAM should also integrate easily with your existing tools and techstack and keep up to speed with the latest technology for creative production optimization. With the right solution, your teams can finally stop duplicating work and shift focus to truly strategic and creative projects.


Digital Asset Management Solution Must-Haves

Forward-thinking marketing leaders are increasingly expecting and gaining more out of their DAM solutions, such as:

Centralizing storage and breaking down resource silos.

Too often, there’s an imbalance in your teams’ access to digital assets and creative content. When assets are siloed and one team doesn’t know what the other is doing, projects from as small as a digital sign to as large as a national campaign can be unknowingly duplicated. 

Time is money. When all teams across your organization can view the same assets without extensive searching, it increases efficiency and eliminates time and money wasted on work that might already be done. The result is a more aware and empowered team. A consistent DAM solution also reduces or eliminates the need to send files back and forth via email, reducing wasted time and version control issues. 

Improving organization. 

The right DAM solution empowers you to intelligently organize your digital assets, further reducing wasted time and frustration. For example, you might use tags and metadata to categorize assets, break down and organize creative into sub-assets, create folders and subfolders, or build access controls to limit who can access which assets. A DAM should also resolve frustrations and problems with version control, providing a clear history of versions and/or revisions.

Offering brand consistency.

To optimize your branding, you must also keep it consistent. Provide access to only pre- approved brand assets through a DAM solution, ensuring everyone uses the latest assets across each channel. 

AI capabilities.

Generative AI is critical to growing dynamic creative at scale. Don’t have the right image(s) for your campaign or audience? No need to search stock image libraries, design from scratch, or even do a photoshoot. AI can generate new visual content based on input in plain English (no coding). It can also leverage existing images and update them to a new context or direction. You can now reimagine a single product image for holidays, sales, weather, location, and more. 

Enabling better asset tracking.

Which assets are your most valuable? Are there any that are not being used at all? If you don’t have immediate answers, this points to the need for a better DAM solution. The right solution identifies the most downloaded assets, guiding asset creation and content management strategies. 

Improving security.

Sooner or later, almost every business will be the target of a cyberattack. The only question is how prepared you will be. A DAM solution keeps your assets secure from attackers. It also provides internal controls so that only trusted users can access the most valuable or private assets. And in the event of a disaster, your assets are already backed up, protecting your investment and work. 

Powering a plug-and-play solution. 

CMOs and their creative teams are already busy and often overwhelmed. No wonder they are often reluctant to add and integrate yet another tool into their tech stack. An effective DAM tool reduces your workload rather than adding to it by providing plug-and-play connectivity and integration instead of creating the need to rip and replace.  Once a modern DAM is connected to customer-facing touchpoints, marketers can deliver on-brand content to any channel via any format. 

Giving the freedom to focus on creative strategy.

When you’re juggling dozens of apps and managing multiple teams, it’s easy to forget that your role is supposed to be a creative one. The right DAM software allows you to refocus on what you do best: building quality content and innovating in a way that captures and keeps consumers’ attention.


Learn More About Innervate

Ready to get started with intelligent digital asset management software that can reduce your workload and elevate your brand? Learn more

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