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Yahoo Chooses Innervate as their Data-Powered Creative Solution Partner Read Here

Innervate Blog

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Every Impression Is An Optimization Opportunity

Harnessing Programmatic Creativity: Building a Culture of Experimentation

The Right Way to Fight Ad Fatigue

From Overwhelmed to Overachieving: Strategies for Decluttering Your MarTech Stack

Is Programmatic Personalization Living Up to the Hype?

Enhance the Customer Experience with Comprehensive Mobile Ad Optimization

Mobile Video Strategy Is No Longer a ‘Nice to Have’

Overcoming the Challenges of DCO

Getting Started with Always-On Creative Experimentation

Business Process Automation for CX: Streamlining Process Tasks Without Replacing the Human Touch

8 Practical Ways You Can Improve Customer Experience Management in 2024

Here’s Exactly How Creative Automation Can Improve Your Holiday Ad Campaigns

How to Put Your Ad Analytics to Work for You

From Products to Publishers: The Rise of Retail Media and What It Means for You

Engagement Through Earbuds: Connecting with Customers Through Audio Advertising

Geotargeting: Use Cases for Highly Targeted Digital Ad Campaigns

5 Things Your Customers Expect from Ad Experiences

Successful Digital Storytelling with Your CX Content

What Should You Expect From a High Performance Digital Asset Management Solution?

4 Keys to Scaling Retail Media

Introducing Innervate: Making Dynamic Customer Experience Orchestration Possible

World, Meet Innervate: The Dynamic Customer Experience Company

6 Questions to Ask When Building a Social Advertising Strategy

How Generative AI Drives an Easier and Scalable Customer Experience

What Is Dynamic Creative Optimization, and How Can It Drive Winning Campaigns?

How to Drive Multichannel Sales During the Holiday Season

7 A/B Testing Trends You Need to Know for Ad Campaigns

The Role of the Psychology of Color in Ad Creative

6 Strategies to Optimize Your Display Advertising Budget

How to Choose the Right Ad Server Platform for Your Business

Message to Marketers: It’s Time to Pay Attention to the Ad Experience

Are Your Ads Driving Consumer Behavior? Here’s Why They Should Be

How AI Enhances Personalized Advertising Experiences for Retailers

Announcing our New Connector and Partnership with Pinterest

A Message from our CEO regarding COVID-19

AI in Digital Marketing – Looking Under the Hood at What’s Going On

Retailers Aren't Realizing Personalization Potential

RevJet Rockets from Launch to Leader

Closing the Gap in Personalized Ad Experiences

Ten Seconds to Engage

Alleviate the Impact of GDPR with Creative Optimization

RevJet on the Road: Spring 2018

Adobe Summit 2018: Bringing the Conference to the Cabana

Re-trafficking Creatives: Avoid The Nightmare Before the Holidays

Activate Your DMP

Redefining Digital Marketing Through Augmented Reality

When A Click Isn’t A Click

Making Relevant Ads

Five Tips To Improve Your Brand Guidelines

Are Your Creatives Culturally Impactful?

The Myths of Data-Driven Decisions

Giving Back, One Can at a Time

Personalization Is Just Step One

Why Digital Creative Is the Next Big Challenge for Marketers

Optimization Strategies for Social Ads

How Retailers Can Get the Most Out of Back to School

How is the 2016 Election Affecting the Digital Ad Ecosystem?

The State of Digital Video

RevJet's Global Technology Summit

What's Missing From Your Audience-Based Advertising Strategy?

The Future of Audience-Based Advertising: Why Your Programmatic Stack Isn't Complete Without the Creative Side Platform

Microsoft's Shift to a Modern Marketing Organization

The RevJet Creative-Side Platform: March Madness for Display Advertising

Digital Ad Spend Is About to Surpass TV

Challenges in Audience-Based Advertising: The State of Cross-Device Tracking

Creative Optimization with the PIVOT Method

Flashpocalype: An Update

Microsoft's Diana Choksey: Life on the CSP

RevJet at the Digiday Retail Summit

Programmatic Trends for 2016

Get More Out of Mobile

It's Not Too Late to Optimize Your Holiday Campaigns

Microsoft on the RevJet Creative Side Platform

RevJet at the iMedia Agency Summit


Introducing RevJet: Talkin’ About a (MarTech) Revolution